Lake Mary, Florida–January 26th, 2016– Cooks Innovations® announced today the launch of its cutting-edge 4-in-1 Safety Opener, providing a safe and easy way for families to open their kitchen foods and drinks with ease.
“This unique multi-functional kitchen innovation will leave you wondering how you ever used your old can, jars or bottle openers,” said Peter Vander Stichele, Cooks Innovations, President. “Not only does it combines 4 tools in one, turning opening anything into a virtually effortless exercise; but its sleek handle and beautiful design make it a pleasure to use. To try it is to adopt it.”
The patented 4-in-1 Safety Opener also improves kitchen safety. When opening cans, it leaves no sharp edges and the opener never touches the food, eliminating the risk of cross contamination. Its opening mechanism simply grabs the rim and safely breaks the seal of the lid as it goes around the can.
If simplicity is elegance, the 4-in-1 Safety Opener minimalist design is as ecstatically pleasing as it is practical. It is the ideal addition to the modern kitchen.